Saturday, December 2, 2006

Who Am I To Judge?

I have searched and found guilt in me
I am guilty of judging other people
I am guilty of thinking that I know it all
I am guilty of thinking that I am better than others

Lord why did I ever think that I am special than everybody else?
Why did I assume that your mercy that is free to all man kind was poured out especially to me?
Why do I seem to loose opportunities and friendships just like that?
What happened to the simple days when everybody was a brother?
What happened to the days when your love and peace is all we knew?

Could it be that I did not understand your WORD?
Could it be that I have replaced love with something else?
Could it be that I have twisted your statutes and deserted your truth?
Could it be that I have leaned on my own understanding?

Who am I to condemn anyone or even myself?
Who am I to judge anybody else?
Who am I to think that others do not deserve a chance in life?
Who am I to ignore your plan, your will already done in heaven?

Lord here I come to you humbly
I accept that I am weak and I need your strength
I accept that I am foolish and I need your wisdom
I accept that I am sinner and I need your salvation
That’s all I know today . . . . that's my prayer today. . . .

Thoughts by sally December 2006

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