Friday, September 26, 2008


In June 2008 I posted an article on “IS ALL HOPE LOST”, well this was just not a good writing but there was story behind it and now I can testify and say that not all hope is lost. This brings me to my topic today God is faithful even when we are not!

Again I am reminded of the children of the promise in the wilderness; these were a people leaving captivity with an assurance if concurring THE PROMISED LAND but somewhere down into the journey of freedom they stopped being faithful. They kept complaining and unnecessarily asking for questions and even at some point worshipped idols!

The truth my good friends is that just like us today they would never going to be able understand God and His ways. Common people He is God . . . . . . HE wonders where were we when he was setting up the foundations of the earth, creating the diverse and astounding state of the heavens mother earth.

All the same God remained faithful to His very word the promise. How many times do we forfeit God for other things or even stop tithing, or sin against his word or stop being kind to others and start being ruthless selfish BUT God will still be merciful to us?

I have come to learn to play my part; the problem is less often God but me not doing what I ought to do. It’s me who keeps ignoring the guidance of the spirit of God. So good people of God keep striving to get to the promise for it is there for sure.