Saturday, February 17, 2007

Why do you think we end up marrying wrong people

I know there are as many self concluded answers to this question as there are people on the face of the earth, there are certain thing that happen to people that for real no one would understand I mean they just happen.
Things tend to just go wrong somewhere in the process and before we know it people are parting ways. However this does not stop us from looking for answers, and honestly someone out there why do people end up marrying wrong people? Anyway are there such people as wrong to marry?

What is it that our great grand parents to our parents did that we in this generation are not doing to keep our marriages alive and going, yet we have access to all the knowledge and modernazation that if you ask me should be making our lives much, much comfortable and enjoyable.

It tears my heart apart to go to such colourful weddings in which people have invested quite amounts of money then a few months down the line, the vows have suddenly stopped making sense and people just separate. Could it be that marriage, an institution that is so ordained and respected by God is not being taken seriously or do we need to put up a commision of enquiry to find out exactly what is it that people are not doing to keep a marriage? IF we did this will they be able to give us workable soluions?

It even kills me the more to see born again christians divorce at the highest rate in this modern world, could it be that we are trying to face lift (twist) the word of God that is there to guide us to fit into our lives or could it be that we have abandoned the fear of the Lord which principally is the begining of wisdom?

Could it be that we have stopped trusting on the Lord and now we are leaning on our own understanding?

A few weeks ago i got myself into an argument with a lady friend of mine who was trying to convince me to hide who I really am when I go for a first date with anyone and I thought this would be the most unjust thing i could do to myself leave alone the person i am meeting for the date. I believe it is who we trully are that would attract or send someone away? Now if I put on a show because my biological clock is ticking or there is what we call Clanical pressure or all your friends are married and you just need to get married, what might this result into? I think marrying a wrong person.
Think about it this way, your fake character will actually attract someone who may not be able to cope with the true you?

I pray to God to help me never to put up a show before any man, my principle still stands. I will keep laying me on the plata until I get one man who trully will love me for who I am and for who I am not . . . . becauce in marriage character change is not guarateed unfortunately.

As we try to understand where exactly the problems starts, by faith we move on and trust that God who knew us before and formed us in our mother's wombs and even predestined our lives will guide us by all means to meet the right people to get married to.

Thoughts by Sally

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