Tuesday, December 26, 2006




Everyone is familiar with the comparisons between humans and our "closest cousins" – chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans. But has anyone ever heard of bonobos? If not, don't feel left out. Even one of the top bonobo researchers in the world says that in the minds of most people, bonobos don't really exist. But the wilds of the Congo region of Africa suggest otherwise. Estimates suggest between 5,000 and 25,000 of the peaceful primates live there.


This finding commands attention because the bonobo shares more than 98% of our genetic profile, making it as close to a human as, say, a fox is to a dog.


While they may appear chimpanzee-like to the untrained eye, bonobos are different. "In terms of body mass, they are very similar to chimpanzees,". "But they're much more gracile. They have longer legs, they're slender, they don't have the huge shoulders and thick neck [of chimps], and they have a smaller head. They're also more elegantly built and move more elegantly than chimps. And when the bonobos stand upright, they look very human-like because they have these different body proportions."


In terms of social behaviour, bonobos are almost the opposite of the chimpanzee in that they're relatively peaceful, as far as we know, they don't have inter-group warfare going on, they eat a little bit of meat but much less than chimpanzees, and they're not great hunters." But here's where it gets interesting: "Male dominance is not there. It's rather the opposite where females dominate the show." And it doesn't stop there!

Female bonobos nurse and carry around their young for up to five years.

They seem to resolve a lot of their conflicts with sexual behaviour,If two bonobos have a fight, they may make up with a sexual reconciliation, which is typical for their species. So there's a lot of sexual activity that goes on that has more social meaning than reproductive meaning." Their sexuality also mirrors humans in a couple of other ways, too. Bonobos have a greater variety of sexual postures.

Research has proven that Humanbeings are second most promiscuous animals after bonobos.

Bonobo males remain attached to their mothers all their lives, following them through the forest and being dependent on them for protection in aggressive encounters with other males. As a result, the highest-ranking males of a bonobo community tend to be sons of important females.

Internet research by Sally.

Monday, December 25, 2006

To You Friends!

You guys have had such a great impact in my life, Thanks you

Florence Nyar seme I salute you tuu for being a friend, you know all the places we went and the things we have done together 10years can be along time to keep a friend. I pray that it continues.

Linda ‘sweety’ please never forget that I took you home when your sweet moyo was visiting for the first time, please always remember that he is the one to NYOMBO and not you ha ha ha . . . . . thanks for believing in me and for praying for me at all time. Ei yawa kathna

Seth rest in piece I will never forget all the greeting you used to faithfully send to me. To date I have never gotten another Masaai friend you are just irreplaceable.

Kester ‘wuod ahubi’ eh nyathiwa will never forget the way you used to run to book for me the bus to town, you are wonderful and God bless you. Change is inneviatble BUT somethings should remain just the way they were . . .

Jane M. aka Mama sarah, thanks for being there for me when i thought the whole world would crumble on me. I have never met anyone with such a sweet spirit.

Eunice Athuro ‘adeso/desky’ you used to bully me BUT it OKAY I love you. You taught me to be firm and strong.

J. Odero God bless you sir MOG endelea hivyo hivyo

Sally Michaels kutoka kampala Uganda East Africa, you inspire me in the kitchen my dear. Through you I have learnt to perfect the art of cooking.

Vio aka Albinah thanks girl you are the sweetest person I have ever met though you have learnt from the best.

Ajwala Sophie nyar gi Orie Rogo, you were supposed to be called Kindness Giving Generous Ajwala do I need to say more. I appreciate

G. Oyatsi you inspire me with that smile. God bless you

Shiroh aka Irosh the guitar man keep on the faith.

Mary Mary toi woye don’t worry you will grow up one of these days.

Lil Karanja you take me to heaven each time you lead worship. God bless. . .

Maggy Kamaggy ehh do not joke with this woman, Chair Lady God bless I respect you.

Joan dear Miss humour you keep me laughing till I can’t any more.

Mr. and Mrs. Osodo thanks for being good friends

Uncle Dave you saved me when i was thrown to the streets had no home. God will forever bless you for that.

J. Ondiwo you got me a school when i had no where to turn to.

Wayne Gitau aka G you drive me to church every Sunday, thanks for being a good neighbor

Joben hey you owe me ice cream thanks man for cooking fish for us during forty days of purpose BS

Atandi its been short time but very sweet. Mob love from deep inside of my heart. I am looking forward to everything.

Peris you have taught me what forgiving and forgetting is all about.

Monyo the risk taker you are something to admire . . . . . . Some of us are still buying time unlike you who goes for what you believe is right.

Maxwel we are always fighting but that does not change the fact that we are good friends . . . . . usipotee remember youth cell bwana you blessed us. I am still thinking whether you deserve to have ny phone number :)

Mr and Mrs Wilber thanks for being big brother and sister to me.

Dennis aka Owen yawa I miss you please come and visit hata kama ni chapo nitapika sawa? You will never stop being my small brother lakani unapenda kunisomea?

Marto ‘daddy’ I am still learning the faces you have . . . . Face of a man? Face of an eagle? Face of a lion and of the lamb and any other. I trust you with my life.

R. Omodho God bless you

Caro Opee you chanukad me, ulinitoa ushamba I appreciate.

Mr and Mrs Favour thanks for trusting me and for praying for me. God bless

Mr and Mrs Nyamwaya thanks for being friends.

Eva Mueni aka ‘woye’ habari ya Mombasa Raha, city ku poa sana. Thanks for your sweet sweet heart you are such a darling.

Florah very funny gal very funny God bless you, but quit being lazy . . . .. .

Florah Ashioya we must make it together, we will fight to the end.

Kairo thanks Men Mwalimu.

Munala M. kichwa ngumu lakini mimi pia sio mchezo. God bless you

J. Ambebo where are you Madam?

Amo the polite one you inspire me with your quietness.

Owiso A. ha ha ha . . . . .I am short of words

C. Awandu Madam you are quite something . . . . You gave me a reason not to give up. God bless

Barrack aka Obama “once like a leaf looking for a friend where would you turn” song bird uko wapi baba Zimran?

Chily Vidolo another song bird thanks man for caring so much bado tuko USIU ama?

Ngala all i can do is smile BIG :) you never stopped smiling

C. Atemo Ah MOG uko wapi baba Dexter? You are just great God bless you. "Falling in love with Jesus . . . . . .is the best thing i have ever done" this song reminds me of you

Dennis aka Kajau that psyche . . . .thanks and God bless you

Anne aka Washo no no no no your favourite words or why I love you girl.

Patrick ‘the learned’ God bless you. . .

Felix thanks for calling me so often especially when I am missing in action. You touch me and God bless you

Harry thanks men for being a true friend, for just being you. Though you are wa nted dead or alive

Igna my dance mate ha ha ha God bless you.

J. Muyonga still very chicky . . . it’s a gift men

J. Angaine gal keep the faith. God bless you

Ken Nyaga man on the drums thanks for hating on us when we could not sing well we learnt a lot in the process and that is what counts. All the best with the Villagers and VUC among others.

Kev Naymamba aka small kev wachanga maneno mengi

Jordo thanks for visiting in woodley and for being a pioneer in my life. Your labour was not in vein.

Waka J the very first time i came to Central church you are the one who preached and you sang . . . . . .blessed be the Lord God Almight who was and is and is to come. Nilijazika tuu na church joo. God bless you

D. Owako remember the way we hate on Jaluo Jeuri Jinga ha ha ha

L. Rotich all the best man

L. Evara sorry I could not come for your wedding but I support you in all, you know that.

L. Kimanzi thanks for everything.

Mr and Mrs Osumba I will never forget you as long as I live. Thanks

Mafabi aka Fala 2B hello hello nataka kuongea na Mariko!!! Mariko amelala

Nyoks when are we arguing next? I promise I will win again

Phil Ndandey God bless you for being a one true friend . . . . we can still go ice skating Panari tell me when?

Sally Ben thanks gal you are a darling bring more flour

Sidi Lilian hey that coconut sauce dada when are we coming back to Costo? It was my first time live in a VILLA by the Nyali Beach. How good can life get?

Tobby tall dark you always potea when your are going places, Jaluo wapi wewe?

Ps. Oba and Rose thanks for being a father figure in my life. I have learnt alot.

PS. and Mrs Ayiro wher would i be if it were not for your love for God

J Musuya potea tuu. Thanks for being part of my life when i was a babe in the kingdom.

DD aka NDINDI ha ha love yah girl!

And the others i love you all. . . .

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Nobody warned me that getting saved without understanding equals to total madness?

One of the reason that I got saved in NOT because I lost a reason to life and its purpose as such BUT because I got attracted to brotherly love that I experienced among a group of saved young adults and teenagers (youth). It was all so honest and pure just loving the Lord and serving him.

When I got to high school I was so convinced that Christianity was the worse thing that could ever happen to me, church was a place that I never saw creativity, majority were retired men and women, younger people were just there to be seen and not heard yet again missing going to church was not acceptable at all. The Pastor or who ever they were called were so boring that they themselves slept before they started their sermons Oh my God woe unto them that are still subject to this kind of slow motion religious homes.

Church did not have anything challenging or new to look forward to at all. Church consisted of people that looked dead in the inside. . . . . . With lots of local announcements and money collecting projects being planned for, it was like a Baraza La Wazee BUT just in a slightly different context.
Little did I know that I would move from boredom to complete madness!!!!
I have to accept that I was attracted to something new that surely I saw in this Pentecostal oriented church that I went to BUT other things came along with it especially when I started interracting with other radicle pentecostals, lots of more things came.

There is a preacher who says to date that it’s only in church that you get many mad men and women who do things because they saw others do them but would not fully justify why they do what they do. It’s only in the church that intellect and enquiry is not considered a gift YET God himself said . . . . . . . Isaiah 1:18 Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. This clearly is telling me that the free gift of salvation is a fruit of negotiations and free will to accept Jesus as Lord and savior......do it in understanding and in Godly wisdom! Please I stand corrected BUT someone, anyone tell me of any process of negotiation that does not involve intelligent conversation and asking of questions especially, how much more with our God the creator of the heavens and the earth? Why don't we christians like being questioned, what do we have to hide?

The ability to reason is taken and thrown away lest you see through the manipulation that goes on in some churches, scriptures are used to intimidate and create fear within the brethren . . . yet God used his word to instruct and guide his people. Jesus preached nothing but love and the kingdom of God. I really am not sure who we follow as we lead the flock of God.

It’s only in the church that people consent by lifting up their seats and jump with loud instruments as an accompaniment, you would think that a demostration or a protest is going on. It’s only in the church where people hug each other and toxically gossip about them, it’s only in the church that we kill our own wounded and throw them out in the cold when they most need us to stand with them. We keep saying "they have sinned" YET the bible say that all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory . . . . . . . and who gave us the power to judge or condemn . . . . . .what makes us think that we are better sinners than the others?

You know even in the natural like terms tend to rebel so each time you keep off someone because you so think they are embarrassing or feel they have done something against the beliefs of God most likely you are just one of the same feather. Jesus accommodated especially the so called sinners and the outcast of the society. He never hanged around the honorable Pharisees “MEN OF GOD”. In fact he had no value and anything good for them check THE BOOK basically because he knew their hearts and that automatically over shadowed their deeds. Read 1 Matthew 23: 12 - 33. So if you have been so highly excalted this could be the right departure point, do a review and decide who you trully want to be in the kingdom of God.

It’s only in church that people preach what they cannot dare practice, people give fake testimonials even when everybody knows so well that it is not true and we all say AMEN which means let it be so, you know like we desire that what you just said would be!

It only in church where I heard people speak a strange language that they had no courtesy to interpret to meaningful words of wisdom for the edification of the people. When I desired to speak the same again for reasons i may not know I was put in a room and told to repeat some words after which I would just flow in the “spirit”, well well I failed BIG TIME to flow by the way and I was told to continue to pray and fast, confess my sins and then I would be able to speak in tongues. Let just says that God has his ways of doings things . . . .

Church came along with falling down in the name of being prayed for to receive, Imagine your earthly father pushing you to fall in order to receive what you have asked him. I believe that some times the spirit of God can cause you to fall down BUT not being forcefully pushed to fall down inorder to demonstrate the power of God. Personally i have recieved great breakthroughs and miracles in the church just by believing and not being laid on hands to fall down? Interestingly enough you know when your actions are just for the eyes to see rather that out of true power of the Holy Spirit. . .

Church is full of lazy people who have been made to think that the pastor has solutions to everything YET the veil was broken at Calvary on the cross by Christ and the same power and authority they have is given to us all. I have no problem sharing and praying together with the men in authority as the bible advises BUT I question the inferiority mentality that most christians have and it makes them feel that God never hears them.

Luke 6: 38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.". HOWEVER it is only in the church that people are told to plant different seeds to reap a totally different fruit. Good people of God we can never be able to pay God for anything he gives to us, please understand that you should give because it is biblical principle/command or out of just good will but not to earn a favour from God. Who paid for our health, peace, deliverence or whatever it is while yet we did not have money to give? We cannot buy God's promises from Him . . . . His promises are Yes and Amen just claim it for yourself.

God is God and he owns all always have that in mind as someone is squeezing your neck and twisting your arms to give. When you need to be so pushed to give does in mean that we disobey the spirit of God who will freely direct us when and to whom to give to and for what to give for? People its just in the church where you will plant money to reap healing or peace or whatever or even deliverence. I think we have reduced God to such low levels, that surely who would want or desire to serve this God that we so portray to the world. Jesus just healed people, he just walked and did his thing which was to build the kingdom of God among us. 2 Corinthians 1: 20 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God.

As I write all this please understand I love all brethren BUT people of God let us just learn to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Lets seek to know God as he is and not as he is presented by people around us. I know for sure that God is NOT crazy and all the madness that we see out there has got very little to do with God Almighty. Let us learn to find out why we say the things we say, ask yourself why we do the things that we do.

Did you know that what manifest in the natural shows what is happening in the spiritual, therefore brethren before we blame our political leaders and everybody else we may want to blame . . .what role have we played in the whole chaos? If we have done nothing to make the spiritual realm organized oh no we are yet to see more and more drama around.

Change begins with you and I who may know little better than others . . . how will they know unless we tell them? Unless we ourselves live it?


Lord we thank you for your light that so shines in our hearts and lives. Today i pray that let wisdom who laid her table right at the beginning during creation be and live in us today. The wisdom with whom you created the earth and everthing in it therewith may be our guide. AMEN

Proverbs 8
Wisdom is calling out for men . . .

Thoughts by sally.

Friday, December 22, 2006


  • In this life I have learnt that some one loves you with all their heart but if you never get to know who that is, Jesus loves you so much.
  • In this life not every body who laughs is laughing with you, some are laughing at you. What I know is what you plant is a seed, if I plant malice that is what I will receive! Therefore the challenge is on me, do I laugh with people or I laugh at them?
  • In this life I have learnt that anywhere you go you will find that not every body will like you, no matter how good and friendly you are. So the best thing to do is to be your best in all things and most of all work at pleasing God by faith.
  • In this life some one will disappoint and or hurt you. But what you need to know is that God allows these things to happen not so that we die and quit but for us to grow and have the capacity or strength to move to the finish or to the purpose. James 1:2 - 4
  • In this life there are those who are in a mission to dig into your secret life and take their time to destroy you and especially by words but what does a mere man got to do with your destiny? Always remember that the only person who can bring you down is you. Those others are like cockroaches and surely can a pest bring down a house, therefore get some doom and ANGAMIZA!
  • In this life I have learnt that once in a while we believe a lie and especially through the experiences. Instead of learning positively we learn negatively and this kills us. We cannot change the past. Maximize today and invest on tomorrow if it ever comes.
  • In this life I have also learnt that God is faithful and all that he says is nothing but the truth. His promises are yes and amen!
  • In this life I have also learnt that attitude is everything. The difference between the very important, rich and reputable man and any other Common man is not even luck but attitude and especially towards life. As a man thinks . . . .
  • In this life I have realized that not everybody is your friend because a friend will take an extra mile to get to know you. A friend will tell you when you are going a stray whether it is painful or not. A friend is interested in purpose rather than benefits. The challenge is, am I a true friend to the people I call FRIENDS or are they are JUST friends ?
  • In this life I have learnt that there is time for everything.
  • In this life I have also learnt that what goes around comes around. So be careful what you do to others. . . .
  • And among other things I have also learnt that where I am can only change if I do something about it. Therefore i MUST be part of the change I want to see.

Thoughts by Sally

Do you buy this?

Is There Such a Thing As Love at First Sight?
By James C. Dobson, Ph.D

Q: Do you believe in love at first sight?
A: No way! Love at first sight is a physical and emotional impossibility.
Why? Because, as I've indicated before, love is much more than a romantic feeling. It is more than a sexual attraction, or the thrill of the chase, or a desire to marry someone. These are responses that can occur "at first sight," and they might even lead to the genuine thing in time. But those feelings are usually very temporary, and they do not mean the person who experiences them is "in love." I wish everyone understood that fact!
The primary difference between romantic excitement and real love is where the emphasis lies. Infatuation tends to be very selfish in nature. A person may say, "I can't believe what is happening to me. This is the most fantastic thing I've ever experienced! I must be in love."
Notice that he's not talking about the other person. He's excited about his own gratification. Such an individual hasn't fallen in love with someone else; he has fallen in love with love!
Genuine love, by contrast, is an expression of the deepest appreciation for another human being. It is an awareness of his or her needs and strengths and character. It shares the longings, hopes and dreams of that other person. It is unselfish, giving and caring. And believe me, these are not attitudes someone just "falls into," like you were tumbling into a ditch.
I have developed that kind of lifelong love for my wife, but it wasn't something I fell into. I grew into it through the years. I had to know her thoroughly before I could appreciate the depth of her character and the nuances of her personality, which I now cherish. The familiarity from which love has grown simply could not have occurred on "some enchanted evening," across a crowded room.
Again, you can't "fall in love" with an unknown object, regardless of how pretty, handsome or sexy it is.

Well well!

Monday, December 11, 2006


1. Over the years I have learnt that God created me for a purpose and that it what I should focus on.

2. Over the years I have learnt that I am unique in all ways, doing things like other people will make me loose my identity and gain theirs.

3. Over the years I have learnt that what I sow is what I will reap. Have you ever asked yourself why some things keep happening to you? Check yourself!!

4. Over the years I have learnt that the only person I can change is ME!

5. Over the years I have learnt that the best you can do to help someone improve is to find their strengths, talk about them, just focus on them coz they tend to over shadow the weaknesses. Never ever compare them with people you think are better it NEVER works remember each person is unique!

6. Over the years I have learnt that inner motivation is someone’s strength. That is what can help you move a step ahead.

7. Over the years I have learnt that Life is about giving because when you give you will undeniably receive.

8. Over the years I have learnt that the complete me is soul spirit and body. What comes out from me (my behavior) truly shows what I take care of the most.

9. Over the years I have learnt that the best favor I can do for me is to do what I do best and let others do what they do best.

10. Over the years I have learnt that being REAL is the way to enjoy this LIFE!

Baraka!! ! What have you learnt over the years?

Thoughts by Sally

TO YOU DADDY, I remember you.

Japuonj Samwel Gerson Ayany Onyango
Let people say what they want to say but you will always be my LOVE and my HERO.
When I was just a baby you taught me to believe that I am a queen . . . I remember the way you did not allow anyone to beat me up just because you named me after your mother whom though I never saw, I am told had pretty legs like mine.

Daddy though God took you away from US in the year 1991 . . . when I did not even understand what happened anyway, your memories are still fresh in my mind like it was yesterday. Though I have finally gotten over your demise I will never forget you.

I remember your generosity to all man kind that was evidenced by the people who stayed in our home both relatives and just others. So many people still work and earn a living today due to your influence either in their education or you got them jobs. And daddy this still open doors for us, God may not have paid you directly but as you enjoy heaven smile knowing that we have fed from the seeds of kindness that you planted.

Your achievements.
The companies you worked for are still standing strong. . . . KNUT, NHC building which was your work survived the bomb blast. The langata and Kibera Estates like Otiende, Onyonka, Ayany, Karanja and Olympic which were your projects among others have housed millions of Kenyans. The people you taught in Maseno are still changing this nation though most of them have retired.
Daddy Mumias sugar is still there. I remember the ice creams and Ugali ya blue band at the guest house in Mumias? I have never forgotten the horror movie we watched there that took away my sleep for months.
The Egerton Alumni your initiative is still there quite.

Ha ha ha ha I remember the day you almost beat up a doctor just because he was handling me casually at the hospital. That day when I had a malaria attack . . . . Daddy you were a drama king kubali tuu! The number of times you beat up people for not following instructions cannot be counted, but I guess it worked all for their good. I can see that face you used to make when
you were pissed off . . .very funny
I miss you

Christmas and New Year family bashes
I have never forgotten Jim Reeves BIG CDs singing over the holidays at home Sakwa Bondo under the big shade (bwo yath) that is stationed right in the middle of the home, the days when everyone was there plus your grand children.
So clear like it was yesterday I see mom preparing turkey and it’s staffing to grill for dinner on these occasions, recently i asked her if she can still do the same and believe you me, you do not want to know what her response was.
I will never forget the goats we slaughtered, the Mturas and ojuris that we made to celebrate as a family. Dad when you left the holiday spirit died with you.
No one ever took us to BATA and DEACONS to buy shoes and clothes ever again . .

Trips from shags to Nairobi
I still remember the way you took care of us tenderly as we traveled across from the village into the city. This was a whole day affair with Daddy; the very first stop from Bondo was Akala to buy mangoes and boiled maize, then Kisumu to buy Sunblest Bakery doughnuts to munch till we get to Kericho to have a cup of 10 o’clock tea. With Joseph (Atai) or Philip behind the wheels the next stop would be Nakuru just in time for lunch woooo lala I cannot forget those juicy meals then the pies we picked from some bakery to carry to Nairobi for the rest. Sometimes diverted to Njoro to pick yoghurt since that was the only place yoghurt was being manufactured back then. Coming to Nairobi was journey that started around 7am to 6pm in the evening and all I know is that it was worth the time. Daddy no one ver complained of hunger while hanging around you. Daddy used to get offended when you turned down his offer to buy you food, he said all meals are important and appetitite was not in his vocabulary. He wondered how someone would refuse to eat when it's time to eat.

Your photos
When I go home we still see your photo with the Former (assassinated) US president Kennedy when you presented to him the LUO traditional stool, also with former President Moi receiving the awards for being one of the best parastatal chairman in the nation then.
Your buddies and students Tom Mboya, Oginga Odinga, Former Minister Odongo Omamo (his grand child Renee was on tusker project fame FYI), Professor Ogot, Minister Ouko, Otieno S.M. (wa Wambui), former carbinate ministers of the 80s. The former President Moi...I remember when we were neighbors with him at Kabarnet Drive in Woodley, and then he could stop by every evening to say hi to us on his way home. I wonder what happened that presidents no longer say hallo to their neighbors.

Your faith
I still go to church every Sunday just the way you taught us or rather insisted that we go. Daddy I remember the way you were so close to God just before you passed away. I remember all the pastors who came home to pray and encourage us. . . . I just want to let you know that I am carrying on with this faith. Well in high school I almost hated church BUT I guess it was just adolescent rebellion in me which of course I got over. "Oware" church that you helped build is still standing strong.

Your wisdom
One day you called me "e tie yath" (under the Big tree) and gave me a word of wisdom, nakumbuka sana clearly about boys . . . . Daddy i know that you just cared and just as i promised i have remained a good girl. I promise by faith that i will get married to a man i know you would recommend even though i know that you never chased anyman your daughters brought home. I promise to do a wedding just as you desired . . . . I know that you would have done me a big wedding just the way you did for the others BUT God has other plans.

If I had the chance Daddy i would tell you how much I love you, I would tell you that I have always hoped to live a better life, help people when I can, remain faithful and trustworthy because that is what I saw in you all my life.

Now I confirm that we do not know what we've got till it's gone.

As long as your work goes down in history, as long as Ayany Estate exist, you exist. .

Love Sally

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Hellon and Aaron Jazz Musicians

Recently i came by Christian Jazz CDs by these two musicians and i would just encourage who ever gets to read this . . . . . . tafathali get some for yourself.
It's music for the soul for real.

Hellon as you launch your new CD Ekalleo know that you have supporters (mafun) my prayer to you is that you continue in this good workerand the father above will reward you

Anbende abiro mondo alame, epodho chieng
herane oloyo duto tee . . . . . . . .

Wow the Launch was deadly at the kenya National Theatre yesterday 12th DEC. I was there and i saw it all, I have to say that i enjoyed, Well done Hellon and team God bless.

Sally 13th Dec 2006

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Who Am I To Judge?

I have searched and found guilt in me
I am guilty of judging other people
I am guilty of thinking that I know it all
I am guilty of thinking that I am better than others

Lord why did I ever think that I am special than everybody else?
Why did I assume that your mercy that is free to all man kind was poured out especially to me?
Why do I seem to loose opportunities and friendships just like that?
What happened to the simple days when everybody was a brother?
What happened to the days when your love and peace is all we knew?

Could it be that I did not understand your WORD?
Could it be that I have replaced love with something else?
Could it be that I have twisted your statutes and deserted your truth?
Could it be that I have leaned on my own understanding?

Who am I to condemn anyone or even myself?
Who am I to judge anybody else?
Who am I to think that others do not deserve a chance in life?
Who am I to ignore your plan, your will already done in heaven?

Lord here I come to you humbly
I accept that I am weak and I need your strength
I accept that I am foolish and I need your wisdom
I accept that I am sinner and I need your salvation
That’s all I know today . . . . that's my prayer today. . . .

Thoughts by sally December 2006



Integrity in people

Nurture other people

Faith in people

Listen to people

Understand people

Enlarge people

Navigate for others

Connect with people

Empower people

Reproduce leaders

Integrity in people: as a leader I must commit myself to honesty and impact people with the same, also be reliable. Have a sense of confidentiality; treat matters given to me by people with respect and secrecy. Decide a head of time that I have no price – cannot be bribed. Learn to major on minor issues coz the small things can mess up the big things.
Each day do what I MUST do before you do what you want to do.

Nurture people: focus more on giving than receiving. Show people love, show them respect by acknowledging their abilities for who they are. Need to develop a sense of security around them that they may feel comfortable around. Share recognition and appreciate the people that you lead. Encourage people always.

Faith in people:
Points to take note of are that,
v Most people do not have faith in themselves.
v Most people do not have people who have faith in them.
v Most people can tell when someone has faith in them.
v Most people will do anything to live up to the faith you have in them.
Faith results into BELIEVE in the people hence
Believe in them
Emphasis on their strengths
List their past successes
Instill confidence when they fail
Experience some wins together
Visualize their future success
Expect a new level of living

Listen to people: listening shows respect, it builds a relationship and increases knowledge i.e. through listening one is able get information that they may not be having. Listening also builds loyalty and a connection among people. Listening results to helping people and yourself.

Understand people: every one wants to be somebody therefore nobody cares how much I know until I show them how much I CARE. Everyone needs someone who is concerned. Everybody can be somebody when someone believes in them and understands them. Anyone who helps somebody has helped more people than just that one person.

Enlarge people: look at people and see that they can be, therefore work at bringing in an increase in potential inside of the people you lead. Increase their capacity to grow. The following are suggestion on enlarging people;

v See their potential
v Cast a vision to them for the future
v Tap into their passion
v Address their character flaws/ hindrances.
v Focus on their strengths.
v Enlarge them step by step because it is a process.
v Put resources in their hands
v Expose them to enlarging experiences

Navigate for other people: identify a destination and focus all activities towards that. Plot the course i.e. what route to take. A navigator thinks ahead and also he does offer correction when adjustments occur. Stay with people always.

Connect with people:
v Do not take people for granted.
v Posses a difference mind set i.e. wanting to make a difference
v Initiate movement towards them i.e. great them and go where they are.
v Look for common grounds or points of agreements.
v Recognize and respect differences in personality.
v Find the keys to other lives
v Communicate from your heart
v Share common experiences.
v Move forward once you have connected.

Empower people: be in a position to evaluate them i.e. evaluate the knowledge, skills and the desires they have. Modal for people that is give them an example to follow after. Have the heart to give them that freedom to succeed, transfer authority to them. Publicly show your confidence in them. Always give a feedback and allow or release people to work on their own when that time reaches when you as a leader are sure that they can do it on their own.

Produce leaders: lead well so that others may be motivated and in the process and keep looking for potential leaders and not just followers. Put them firsts and commit to developing them.

In conclusion, results the four Ms of leadership
Model: - let people see what you are doing

Motivate: - encourage people to do what we as leaders are doing.

Mentor: - pour our lives to the people so that they can carry on with the vision.

Multiply: - reproduce after our own kind.

Who Do You Say I Am

Who do you think I am

When you look at me what do you see?
Do you see God’s creation in me or
Do you see the devils walking tool
I was taught to respect people

Not because they are people but because they are God’s creation
All that God created He said is good

Did you know that you tend to look at me through your own character
You tend to think that your habits are mine too!
What if I asked you to give me a chance
A chance to get to know who I am
A chance to know my strengths

Anyway why did God allow us to meet
Is it that you couldn’t meet any other person OR
Could it be that there is a purpose for both of us in our acquaintance
There is always more to everything
Ignore not,

and most of all Judge not!

By sally