November 2010 I was so excited doing OMBI and had just started the 21 days of fasting. Ombi for me was a real experience seeing God turn my life, career and relationships around. . . I did not imagine that at that time anything would touch my spiritual walk or even my physical being!
Into the 2nd week of fasting I started feeling this unbearable severe pains in my stomach deceiving me into thinking that it was severe acidity. No it wasn't anything close . . it was gall stones. What? Yes stones in my gall bladder and we all know the remedy is to just remove the damn thing.
Now by the time I was knowing the truth Ombi was long ended, we had taken a break from LG and there I was battling with the decision to go to theatre or not. I was scared to death, I was stressed clearly because suddenly I was at the edge always; too emotional and just craving for leave to clear my head but God had other plans. . .
Pain did not stop, it just become severe and unmanageable quickening my way to the theatre and it happened on the 17th of February 2011. The gall was removed finally. .
Was discharged two days later and I started my journey into recovery but all was not well. . I continued to feel even more severe pain; the trips to hospital became several again being deceived into severe acidity and of course it wasn't.
On the 3rd March I was admitted again had an endorscopy done on the 4th and yes one stone came out of the gall and was hiding in my intestines; so hidden the scans could not reveal it. After this was removed everything came back to normal. . . I have been well; alive and kicking.
Now I am on mission to wellness; God's my witness and my help. All glory to Him