It is the small things in life that count, did you know that it’s the ten second prayer that you whisper to God about someone or something that changes the course of events. The simple gift of sharing the little that you have, that’s what will go down history. The priceless smile that delights the hearts of another and gives a hope, a sense of belonging and identity!
Show me a person who is enjoying life and I will show you a simple and probably down to earth person. Show me a wise person in the way he does his things and I will show you an extremely simple man.
Show me a person who is enjoying life and I will show you a simple and probably down to earth person. Show me a wise person in the way he does his things and I will show you an extremely simple man.
I strongly feel and believe that life gets complicated when we decide to complicate it ourselves. When you decide that you want to acquire a certain lifestyle and live in a certain way that’s the time, your troubles and worries check in. Get to read about the big achiever and winners like of the Nobel Peace Price and other great achievers that probably no one talks about and you will discover that despite of their diversity, they had and still have something in common which is just simplicity.
A simple life will wake up and the first thing to do will be to thank God for the gift of life and ask God what is it they can do to change a life and make the world a better place to live. A simple man will never do things to be popular . . . . . that’s why when a man helps and they shout about it, am not sure whether it is just a simple gift of giving or there is a gain motive behind the scene.
A simple life will discover his and other people’s strengths and weakness work to turn around especially the weaknesses to create positive impact and maximize on strengths. He understands that our weak points turned around can be the very strength that the world needs.
A simple man respects and values relationships, he knows that tomorrow is not guaranteed and life can only be celebrated when there is life in it. . . . He understands that it is a privilege to meet the people they have met and it would never be a coincidence. He has also learnt the art of knowing the end of a specific purpose and therefore in appreciation and not grudge will let go of relationships that need to be ended.
A simple man respects the principle of time and seasons, will never manipulate anyone or push things down their throats. Intimidation and competition cease to exist in your vocabulary the day you become simple. A simple man just wants to fulfill God’s divine purpose for their lives in this earth and that’s what they care about.
A simple man is characterized by this one great personality and that is just SIMPLICITY.
I read something in the bible in Proverbs 9 that just left me thinking
Proverbs 9
1 Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn out its seven pillars. 2 She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine; she has also set her table. 3 She has sent out her maids, and she calls from the highest point of the city. 4 "Let all who are simple come in here!" She says to those who lack judgment.
Wisdom is looking for the simple man, Wow!
Thoughts by Sally Ayany . . . March 11th, 2007